Menstrual blood on bamboo photo paper. Part of an ongoing body of work entitled ‘Moon Blood’. In this series delving into the mystically powerful realms of menstruation.
Charlotte J Ward
Mixed Media
Menstrual blood on bamboo photo paper. Part of an ongoing body of work entitled ‘Moon Blood’. In this series delving into the mystically powerful realms of menstruation.
Lilith (2020)
Nina Doll
Digital Sculpture (1:09 min) with music by Taïs Bean
The Goddess, the demon, freed herself to a life of freedom and empowerment.
Ruler of the female cosmic energy with spirits floating around her.
What We’re Made Of (2018)
Beth Madeley
Animation (0:55 min)
A collaborative exploration with Eiril Linge that investigates the literal contents of our bodies as well as the trauma that informs our behaviours. This analogue animation piece embarks on an impressive meta-journey through historical and cultural domains.
Ultra Wet – Recapitulation (2017)
Tabita Rezaire
Installation (11:18 min)
The pyramid of ULTRA WET – RECAPITULATION harnesses healing energy from its tip, while its four faces retell vital stories of feminine-masculine alignments.
This pyramidal site/sight excavates the spiritual and technological understandings of pre-colonial Africa and ancient indigenous ways of life regarding energetic polarities. As our Westernized global world reveres and enforces duality, its binary ideology is omnipresent in our collective consciousness.
It is an ode to the fertile ground we have been and can still be.